This is a high school book club. We are located in Miller Place, New York. It is on the north shore of Long Island. We are a “rogue” club at the high school, in the sense, that we are not official and are not funded. We are supported generously by our local public library. The principal is supportive, but there aren’t funds to support us so I just meet with the students once a month afterschool and supply some chips and drinks and we talk books!

We choose our books based on the suggestions of the members and then we vote for the book that we want to read that particular month. One of the new freshman members suggested your book, The First Phone Call from Heaven, and that was the book that was chosen (beat out 3 other suggestions!). When I mentioned to her that I would look to see about your availability to Skype with us, she nearly plotzed! She got red in the face and couldn’t speak. Other members have read Tuesdays with Morrie and were also excited at the prospect of being able to Skype with you. We are meeting on October 22nd and would love to be able to speak with you for 15 or 20 minutes about The First Phone Call from Heaven. Thank you in advance for your consideration, Mr. Albom!

How Long Have You Been A Group?:
3 years

Where do you Meet?:

How Does The Group Select Books?:

Do You Use Reading Group Guides?:

Do You Have Refreshments At Meetings?:

Please list the most recent books you’ve discussed:
We have read the Maze Runner, If I Stay, Birthmarked and numerous other YA books. This is one of our first non-YA books.

Do you belong to a reading group? Tell us about it here