Episode 158 – The Practice of Detachment

Jan 24, 2023 | Tuesday People

Hosts & Guests

Mitch Albom

Lisa Goich

 Notes & Resources

Tuesdays with Morrie

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About This Episode

How do you deal with something you don’t want to deal with? How do you get through a negative experience without letting it take over your life? How do you keep a life-altering circumstance from dominating every single minute of your days? On today’s episode of the Tuesday People podcast, host Mitch Albom discusses the practice of detachment. Learn how Morrie Schwartz, used detachment to get him through his battle with ALS, and how this important pillar of Buddhism, can help you achieve spiritual tranquility, well-being and happiness.

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1 Comment

  1. Theresa

    Well always a good podcast. A person has to deal with things as they come up. Detachment is essential.


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