Reading Groups
Reading Between the Wines
Our book club is from PEI, Canada. We started a bookclub in November 2015, and have been reading one book a month and meeting to discuss since then. We have read over 100 books together! Each month a member is picked to host, pick the book, and come up with discussion...
DWPV readers group
We all live in Del Webb Ponte Vedra, and are a group of 2 men and 20 women. When was your group formed?: Not sure Where do you meet?: Community Center How does your group choose which books to read?: Vote Do you use reading group guides?: Yes Submitted by: Peggy P.
St Luke Women’s Book Club
We are friends and “sisters” who also worship together. We try to read a lot of different genres. We are about to read our second Mitch Albom book, The Little Liar. We read Stranger in the Lifeboat a few months ago. It is always a consensus that we love his books....
Tell us about your book club or reading group
Hearing someone discuss your book or read a favorite line aloud with others is a writer’s dream. It is such an honor to hear from reading groups like yours who have had valuable and formative discussion because of one of my books. I love reading groups, and wish I could visit with all you. Since that’s just not possible, I’ve created this section for reading groups and book clubs to build a profile-I’d like to hear about who you are and how you came together, and about your discussions of my books. Once one member (one only, please!) has registered your group, please head to the message board to share ideas and advice about hosting an event. Please stay in touch!
Warm regards, Mitch Albom
More resources for book clubs:

Reading Group Guide
- Did your opinion about Mitch change as the book went on? In what way?
- Who do you think got more out of their Tuesday meetings, Mitch or Morrie? In what ways? How do you think each would answer this question?
- Do you think Mitch would have come back to Morrie’s house the second time if he hadn’t been semi-idled by the newspaper strike?
Tuesday People
Inspired by the worldwide No. 1 bestseller Tuesdays with Morrie, join Mitch Albom as he explores the themes he and his old professor spoke about as Morrie was leaving the world, and how they relate to leading a better life. An interactive show with listener and occasional guest participation, “Tuesday People” is a community interested in knowing what matters in life, keeping that in perspective, and applying it to make our days happier and more fulfilling.

Reading Group Guide
- Describe what Albom’s heaven is like. If it differs from what you imagined, share those differences.
- “No story sits by itself. Sometimes stories met at corners and sometimes they cover one another completely, like stones beneath a river.” How does this statement relate to the story and to your own life?
Video Guide

Reading Group Guide
- In the first paragraph of the novel, and repeated several times throughout the book, is the line “every family is a ghost story.” What do you think that means? Who is the real ghost in the Benetto family?
- Which scene resonated with you the most, and why?
Video Guide

Reading Group Guide
- Have a Little Faith asks, “What if our beliefs were not what divided us, but what pulled us together?” How would you begin to answer this question? Which of the world’s ills could be healed, what wrongs could be made right, if religion was more of a unifying force?
- How would you react if someone you knew asked you to write their eulogy? How would you go about doing so?
Sermon Guides
Produced by the National Council of Churches (NCC) of Christ in the USA
Rev. Floyd Flake’s sermon/discussion guide
Rabbi Vernon Kurtz’s Sample Sermon

Reading Group Guide
- Time is a major theme in this book. What importance does time hold for you, and for the current generation?
- Time is valuable, but it is also limited. What is one way to make the most of what we have?
- What one moment would you like to relive?
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From the Cave

Reading Group Guide
- Are you surprised by the various reactions from the people who receive the phone calls from heaven? How do you think you would react if you were to receive such a call?
- How do these phone calls from heaven change the small Midwestern town of Coldwater? Do you think it would be different if the same thing happened in a major city?
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Champagne Book Club

Reading Group Guide
- What are the effects of having The Spirit of Music narrate the novel? How does it shade the story?
- Of what significance—literal or symbolic—is it that Frankie Presto was born amidst El Terror Rojo, the Spanish civil war? How do you think the cultural restrictions and political tensions affected Frankie’s childhood? How do you think they impacted his music
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Who is Frankie Presto?

Reading Group Guide
- Why are endings often so difficult and challenging? What’s a healthy balance between staying connected and moving on?
- What does Annie understand as a nurse that many people may not?
- Central to Annie’s story and her feelings about herself are supposed mistakes. What constitutes a mistake? In what contexts or situations are they allowable or even necessary?
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Videos to Watch

Reading Group Guide
- After her death, Chika first appears to Albom the morning of his father’s funeral. Why do you think the author chose to use these “dialogues” to help tell the story?
- Why is it particularly difficult for Albom to write about Chika at first?
- Chika suggests to Albom that one can indeed forget a loved one. What might she mean? What kinds of things might cause the fading of such important memories and feelings?
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This is a story about love

Reading Group Guide
- Consider each of the survivors in the lifeboat—Lambert, Nevin, Geri, Yannis, Nina, Mrs. Laghari, Jean Philippe, Bernadette, Alice, and Benji. What qualities define each of them? How does this influence how each reacts to the presence and story of the stranger?
- What are Inspector Jarty LeFleur and his wife suffering from? How has this suffering affected each of them? In what way does this experience make the notebook personally valuable?
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This is a story about love

Reading Group Guide
- In what ways are truth and honesty important to living well?
- What is truth? How do we recognize it?
- Why does Nico, as a boy, always tell the truth? How does this make him powerful? In what ways does this also make him vulnerable?
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This is a story about love
Using one of Mitch’s books in the classroom? Please share your story in the Teachers’ section of the site, where you will also find educators’ guides.