Episode 172 – You’re Only as Young as You Feast

May 23, 2023 | Tuesday People

Hosts & Guests

Mitch Albom

Lisa Goich

 Notes & Resources

Tuesdays with Morrie

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About This Episode

As Mitch Albom boards the bus for this year’s birthday feast in Buffalo, we spend today celebrating our Tuesday People host and his annual celebration of food, glorious food! We start today’s episode with birthday greetings from you, our Tuesday People posse. Then Mitch asks all of you to think back to a time when you did something just for the pleasure of doing it. Where you ate without knowledge. Ate without guilt. A time when you engaged in an activity with childish glee. Do you remember the last time you threw caution to the wind and did something just for the good feelings it brought you? This is something we all need to do from time-to-time. And there’s no better day to do it than your birthday! Happy Birthday, Mitch! Buffalo awaits your crew!

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1 Comment

  1. Theresa Ramus

    Amazing how you go on those food feasts. I know you had a good birthday. If that were me I could only do a few bites. My system would not accept all that different food in a day. Even if you just take a few bites. Plus it would have to depend on the food too.

    Have a good day. You are my favorite.


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