Why “Red Reader’s Book Club?” You know those “things” you always think about doing, but something always gets in the way, makes you distracted, and ultimately forces you decide that it will happen, just not now? This club has been that “thing” for me for far too long. I’ve always envisioned how fantastic and refreshing it would be to take something so many people love –reading –and make our own unique group to meet, converse, and escape the world of social networking for a bit. Something we could look forward to attending once a month. Something to regularly pencil into our calendar. Something we could go to, and for a moment, forget about our stresses in life, forget about our complaints, our worries, our daily grind. A place where we get the chance to be a part of something unique and special. Because, like my mother, Alice, taught me as a child: “You may not get the opportunity to travel everywhere in the world that you dream, but don’t be discouraged; if you read books, you can see the world and live incredible lives.” Mom gave me a lot of wonderful gifts during her short life. But most importantly, she gave me God, and made me a reader. I swallowed books as a child, as a teen. I even won the “Bookworm Award” in school, and still proudly possess my fading blue ribbon. I’ve been fortunate enough to pass on my love of the written word to my two sons, Christian, and Kevin. I’m over the moon when they sit next to me and pass me book after book. Or, when I catch them in their rooms, sitting quietly, surrounded by a sea of books, and reading to themselves. Learning and imagination go hand in hand, and I firmly believe that reading is one of the best ways to enrich your mind, and nourish your soul. I also love spending time with good people, sharing conversations, and creating memories, so what better way to put some of my favorite things together, than to finally start this group? As for the name I chose for the group, it’s not simple at all. I have thought long and hard about what I would choose. Red is my favorite color, but more importantly, it’s very symbolic. Red has been associated with passion, love, courage, strength, power, confidence, leadership, desire, vigor, and life. It also signifies some darker things, such as war, danger, temper, malice, and wrath. But overall, it’s a color that to me stands out so much in the spectrum, and that’s how I want to live. I want to stand out, make bold moves with confidence, learn new things, love with passion, and be more courageous in my endeavors. The maple leaf is also incredibly symbolic. Not only do I love fall, Vermont, foliage, etc., but the maple leaf has, throughout history, been known as the emblem of lovers. The tree that supplies the richest nectar gives birth to the leaf –and that very leaf depicts the pure sweetness, and marvel of love in our everyday lives. And that’s something we all need to remember, and can so easily forget. So I took ‘Red’ and ‘Maple Leaf’ and made it my mission statement, and my reminder. The determination to be brave, and to embrace love and the “things” that bring me joy in my everyday life. And for me –reading, love, people, memories, and life –are my joys. My main hope, above the reading, the camaraderie, and the time we’ll get to spend each month conversing and learning, is that we have fun! Welcome to the Red Reader’s Book Club. Let the reading begin! -Sharrah 17Oct2012
Our inaugural meeting, this 29November2012, we will be discussing “The Time Keeper.” As creator of the book club, and a huge fan of Mitch’s books, it was almost kismet that “The Time Keeper” was recently released, almost like it was meant to be the first book we read and discussed. Many members have already said they have read it more than once (myself included), and we are very enthusiastic about not only our first meeting, but this book!
When was your group formed?: November 2012
Where do you meet?: Member’s home
How does your group choose which books to read?: Vote
Do you use reading group guides?: Yes