” . . . ma . . . ma?”
Yes, child. I am your mother.
I’ll get him, honey. You go back to sleep. You have to work in the morning.
“Mommeee . . . I wan’ dum! I wan’ dum!”
All right, sweetheart. You can have some. But share with your brother, OK?
“Mommy! Joey threw his truck at me!”
I’m sure it was an accident, honey.
“Mommy. Wake up. I feel sic– blecchhhh!
. . . ?
“Mom, Susie put Joey in the washing machine.
That’s nice, sweethea . . . SHE WHAT?
“Your son is a good student, but he talks too much to his neighbors.”
I’ll speak to him about it, I promise.
Say ‘excuse me’ when you do that, honey.
“Mom! Can I go as a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle for Halloween? It only costs $40.”
Well, if you really want to . . .
“Mom, Joey lit the dog on fire.”
That’s nice, sweetheart . . . WHAT?
“NO FAIR! How come Bobby’s parents let him watch TV until 11 o’clock?”
If Bobby’s parents let him jump off a bridge, would you want to do that, too?
“Mom. What does ‘hot and sexy’ mean?”
Well, um . . . did you ask your father?
“This food is terrible. How come we can’t go to McDonald’s?”
Children are starving in China. Now clean your plate, or you won’t be excused.
“Please, mom, can we get a dog, please?”
If you promise to feed it and take it out.
Kids, the dog has to go out. . . . Kids? . . .
“Hurry up, Ma, we got little league practice, and Joey’s got his piano lesson and Susie’s got to her dentist appointment . . . ”
Coming, I’m coming . . .
“I don’t want those, Mom! I want Nikes!”
“But Ma, all the other guys are going to sleep-away camp.”
I know, honey, but it’s kind of expens . . . all right. We’ll find a way.
“Muhh-ther, I’m 14 years old. Stop treating me like a child.”
Yes, dear. Can I have my lipstick back?
“I met this girl in biology class, Mom. She keeps looking at me.”
That’s because she likes you, sweetie . . .
“Hey Ma, look. I’m taller than you.”
Good. Now can you reach the sugar?
“He’s totally cool, mother. You never like any of the boys I date.”
That’s not true. I just asked why he wears those skull earrings all the time . . .
“Mom, I completely bombed on the SAT’s. I’m never going to college.”
You can always take them again . . .
“Mom, you and Dad don’t have to come into the dorm. Just drop me here, OK?”
If you say so, honey . . .
“Mom, I met this girl
“Mom, I met this boy . . .
“Mom, we’re getting married . . .
“Mom, we’re gonna have a baby . . . ”
“Mom, will you be in there with me?”
If that’s what you want, dear.
“HOLD MY HAND, MA! . . . AHHH . . .”
You’re doing fine, honey.
“NONO . . . I . . . AWWWWGAWWWD . . . MAMA . . . ”
” . . . ma . . . ma?”
Yes, child. I am your mother.
Happy Mother’s Day.