Fresh from a Q&A with author Malcolm Gladwell in NYC, Mitch Albom discusses some frequently asked questions - and answers - about "Tuesdays with Morrie." Tune in for insights on the friendship that spawned a book, movie, play, charities, and this podcast!
Tuesday People
Fresh from the Detroit Lions' last playoff game, Mitch Albom and Lisa Goich discuss how am underdog franchise gathered support across the country cheering a team and city close to reaching a dream. Plus, Morrie Schwartz's thoughts on community.
Today's episode explores how we find calm when faced with personal and global pressures, fears, and all that comes with being an adult in the modern world.
Ring in the new year with lessons learned from January, the quietest month. Unlike the busy holiday month before it, January is a time to reflect and enjoy a little calm before responsibilities come knocking at your door.
Hosts Mitch Albom and Lisa Goich discuss gratitude, hope and the future with two extraordinary young gentlemen from Have Faith Haiti — Widley and Nahoum — who are in college in Michigan.
We explore how our lineage not only shapes our personal identity but also influences how we are perceived and treated by others.
Mitch Albom says "Thank you!" to listeners, to readers, to everyone who has come out to support the launch of The Little Liar, and to Morrie...where it all began.
On today's Thanksgiving episode of Mitch Albom reads an excerpt "The Little Liar" about forgiveness. As you gather with relatives this week...avoid what you'll need to forgive or ask forgiveness for later on, before it's too late.