Last week, my father, who is 83, suffered a medical emergency. At the hospital, he was asked this question: "How ...
If I were king of the world, I would insist on a moratorium for Hollywood marriages: no talking about them until ...
The band broke up.We hit the final chord. We heard sweet applause. And then, after 20 years together, we walked ...
It's official.I've become a prude.I thought this happened only in adolescence. I thought once you got past those ...
The flight attendant smiles. "Something to drink?" "Water, please," I say. She asks the next guy over, then turns ...
It sounds relatively harmless. Synthetic marijuana. Like pot for people who don't want to get arrested.For a ...
I'm not talking.Not to a phone.It may be all the rage for celebrities in iPhone commercials to have pithy ...
He is a famous gospel singer, a TV star, a pastor who gave the stirring eulogy at Whitney Houston's funeral.That ...